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Thursday, 18 June 2009


After four - almost five - centuries past, I think that we can not separate these two (Shakespearian) verbs (of the Hamletian speech) of our existence on earth: 'TO BE' and his opposite and negative 'NOT TO BE'. Why? Because the invisible or that wich we can not touch or feel in a direct manner, as dreams or as others inconscient warings of the instinct, the invisible belonging to the 'irrational', to what is inaccesible to view and imperceptible. During so many time, century by century, the rational and the irrational disputed to take the first place in our mind and lacerated ours souls. They was separated and, in the majority of cases untill now, the irrational beings payed with his lifes for having showed us what wasn't clear, intelligible, coherent, but often was more vital for all of us: witches, magicians, heretics (in the meaning of someone who dissents from an accepted doctrine and belief).
And now, near present time, we put on his suited place what is not visible, what is not rational. It's a big step before and the light and the order of the powerful reason are not more our full master...

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Dreaming a butterfly

My whole life is a continous reading a of big authors or writters. I had the impression that I'm not born, that my life is a page of a book, as the butterfly of TaoTse. He said: 'I dreamed once that I'm a butterfly wich was dreaming me'. Where is the reality? Who is real: TaoTse or the butterfly?
So, I would now to see if I'm the butterfly dreaming in his mind to me in the virtual world. Maybe, we are all butterflies on this little blue planet and we don't know it yet.When I learn about some danger for the futur of earth population, as the change between poles positions, the present North becoming the South, I feel to be as unreal as the butterfly in the philosopher's mind.

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Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Composing home-work

Let's comment a little this shakespearian question:
Yes, I know, a lot of ink flood to comment this so simple question for us, the twenty-one century's peoples!
And it seems to be too hard for us, who don't yet have enough english refined vocabulary.Don't be affraid! Trying is the best way to reach our goals.

Learning english

I met since soon a Japanese's blog who posted there his comments in order to learn and to improve his english level whith the kindness help of all his visitors.
So, that's why I thought to create myself a such blog and to invite here all the Romanian english speakers to tell stories, to make conversation about every days facts, to describe the happies or sads events of ours lifes.
Let's begin!
I propose you to describe the most important being of your life and to motivate why.
It's a too oversimplified compose or a too scholastic subject?
Well, I'm not so good to express myself in english so I wish only to learn more and to keep in touch with this shakespearian language. I use this adjective, 'shakespearian', because I consider a big magician of words and language as Shakespeare was, create again the language of his country. It's like a new birth for the english language.
I hope we'll touch ours aims: to speak and to write more fluently in english.
I beg your pardon for the mistakes that will appear on my page, but I can promise you that I will correct it immediately I'll find them.

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