After four - almost five - centuries past, I think that we can not separate these two (Shakespearian) verbs (of the Hamletian speech) of our existence on earth: 'TO BE' and his opposite and negative 'NOT TO BE'. Why? Because the invisible or that wich we can not touch or feel in a direct manner, as dreams or as others inconscient warings of the instinct, the invisible belonging to the 'irrational', to what is inaccesible to view and imperceptible. During so many time, century by century, the rational and the irrational disputed to take the first place in our mind and lacerated ours souls. They was separated and, in the majority of cases untill now, the irrational beings payed with his lifes for having showed us what wasn't clear, intelligible, coherent, but often was more vital for all of us: witches, magicians, heretics (in the meaning of someone who dissents from an accepted doctrine and belief).
And now, near present time, we put on his suited place what is not visible, what is not rational. It's a big step before and the light and the order of the powerful reason are not more our full master...
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*Ghimbir pulbere vs. ceai de ghimbir*! Ghimbirul este unul dintre cele mai
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